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Welcome to Mayor Max's website.

Mayor Max, I (Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller) was voted into office during an election held on June 11, 12, and 13, 2012 in Idyllwild, and was inaugurated to a one-year term on July 1, 2012.

As Idyllwild is an unincorporated town, it has no human mayor or other politicians. Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends (ARF), a non-profit 501(c)(3), sponsored Idyllwild's first-ever mayoral election. Any local resident was permitted to nominate his or her dog or cat. Fourteen dogs and two cats were nominated and ran for office. Constituents cast their votes via $1 donations each, and all $31,000 of the proceeds benefited ARF. 

Max won a full two-thirds of the votes, and became Idyllwild's first mayor.

Max's popularity moved the people of Idyllwild to appeal to ARF for his continuation in office beyond his one-year term. On February 9, 2013, ARF announced the extension of his one-year term to a second and final year, ending on June 30, 2014.

On April 2, 2013, Mayor Max, I passed away after just nine months in office. The successor for the remainder of Max's term, Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller, II, arrived in Idyllwild on July 21, 2013. Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends approved his mayoral transition plan.

Upon his arrival to Idyllwild, Max was accompanied by two deputy mayors: Mikey and Mitzi (Mikey Mighty-Dog Mueller and Mitzi Mighty-Dog Mueller). The trio was often referred to as "the Mayor and the spares" or simply "the Mayors of Idyllwild."

Mayor Max, Deputy Mayor Mikey, and Deputy Mayor Mitzi were all related to Mayor Max, I; all four dogs shared a common ancestor. Mikey and Mitzi are siblings from the same litter, and Max was a cousin of theirs. Mikey and Mitzi were born in Ohio, and Max was born in California.

In March of 2014, as the June 30 end of Max's term approached, ARF solicited the town's interest in holding another election. Once again, the people overwhelmingly pled for Mayor Max's continuation in perpetuity. Max and his Deputies served the town of Idyllwild until Mayor Max, II's death.

On July 30, 2022, Mayor Max, II passed away after a brief medical issue, having served nine years. He was vibrant, happy, and seemingly healthy the day before he died. Max was survived by his Deputy Mayors, Mikey and Mitzi, along with his Chiefs of Staff, Phyllis and Glenn. His love for people and the love they felt for him endures.

Upon the passing of Mayor Max, II, ARF was consulted regarding the future of the mayorship in Idyllwild and responded with a very kind letter expressing its board's gracious best wishes for the continuation of Mayor Max.

Deputy Mayors Mikey and Mitzi served as Interim Co-Mayors after Mayor Max, II's passing.

On September 5, 2022, Mayor Max, III was born. He arrived home on November 6, 2022, along with his sister, Meadow. Mayor Max, III's debut to Idyllwild and commencement of duties was on December 10, 2022.

In December 2024, Mikey passed away after a brief medical issue, apparently similar to that of Mayor Max, II.

Mayor Max, III continues to serve the town of Idyllwild, along with Vice Mayor Meadow and Deputy Mayor Mitzi.

Feel free to contact the Office of Mayor Max of Idyllwild at any time.






© 2024 Office of the Mayor of Idyllwild, California


Mayor Max, III


Mayor Max, II


Mayor Max, I